Inlining is one of the most important compiler optimisations. The danger with inlining is that it can cause code size explosion, because the function that is inlined is copied to multiple call sites. However, if the function is only called in one place, then code duplication doesn’t occur, because the original function can be deleted after inlining. Another way to look at this transformation is that we remove the call instruction and replace it with a jump to the entry point of the function, and we replace the return instruction inside the function with a jump back to the point where the function is called.

Contification is based on the clever observation that you can do this transformation whenever a function returns to only one location, even if the function is called in multiple places. Here’s the simplest example:

function f(y){
  return ...

  x = f(E1) 
  x = f(E2) 

<REST ...>

The function f is called in two places, but the function returns to the same place. The compiler can therefore replace each call to f with a jump to f’s entry point, and replace the return inside f with a jump to the code after the if-else:

label f:    
  x = ...
  goto REST

  y = E1    
  goto f  
  y = E2    
  goto f  

label REST: <...>

This eliminates the function call overhead, but more importantly, it allows other compiler optimisations to kick in.

Analysing whether a function returns to only one place is a little bit tricky. The most powerful contification analyses can reason about tail calls. This allows them to optimise tail recursive functions that are only called in one place:

function loop(x, n){
  if(n==0) return ...
  else return loop(g(x), n-1)

result = loop(a, k)

<REST ...>

We actually have two calls to loop, one from the outside and one tail recursive call from loop itself. Intuitively you’ll understand that this pattern is equivalent to an actual loop, and contification can turn this code into an actual loop:

label loop:
    result = ...
    goto REST
    x = g(x)
    n = n-1
    goto loop

label REST: <...>

It can do this because the contification analysis determines that loop transitively (through tail calls) always returns to the same point. Note that we could have eliminated the two calls to f in the previous example by inlining f twice. Simple inlining truly does not work for the tail recursive example; no amount of inlining will eliminate the recursive call. Contification doesn’t work when there are multiple external calls to loop, so contification is not more general than inlining, and inlining is not more general than contification. Perhaps one can come up with an optimisation that generalises both: a version of inlining that doesn’t inline a single function call, but inlines multiple calls with a single return point simultaneously. In other words, a version of inlining that inlines a function return rather than a function call.

In the general case we have multiple functions, multiple tail calls, and multiple non-tail calls. The contification analysis tries to find out, for each function, if there exists a point in the program that the function always returns to, possibly through zero or more tail calls. If you’re interested in the details, read the paper Contification Using Dominators by Matthew Fluet and Stephen Weeks. They work with a functional style IR with continutations. In this post I’ve used an imperative IR, which I hope makes the contification transformation a little bit easier to understand: it’s just replacing call and return instructions with jumps. I don’t think that the idea of contification has fully penetrated conventional compilers, but maybe it should.