You Don't Need Matrix Calculus
Indexing Binary Heaps
The CAP theorem
Demystifying lvalues
Timestamps in UUIDs
How good are humans at mathematics?
On battery storage
Why Coq VMs are useless
On NaN comparison
On div and mod
Deep learning is maximum likelihood
Generalizing itertools
A magic determinant formula for symmetric polynomials of eigenvalues
Stronger unit propagation when solving CSPs with a SAT solver
Earley parsing in cubic time
Disambiguation of context free grammars
Bayes’ rule from minimum relative entropy, and an alternative derivation of variational inference
Bayes’ rule simply
Why two’s complement works
Leapfrog and Verlet are the same method
Consistent execution of imperative reactive programs
Proof that the calculus sin and cos functions equal the geometric sin and cos
Math puzzle: how many coins do you need to toss to maximise the probability of getting 10 heads?
What is contification?
Combining probabilities? Try a logarithm.
Hooks bring React closer to Functional Reactive Programming
Simpler and faster Levenshtein automata
Bayesian ranking of items with up and downvotes or 5 star ratings
Levenshtein automata can be simple and fast
Disqus comments
Determining hot items with exponentially decaying likes
New layout
Fast immutable vectors in C#
Optimizing immutable stacks & queues in C#
Newton, The Ultimate: One Weird Trick To Make You A Mathematical Superhero, part 2: Julia, optimization, and automatic differentiation
The best collections library design, part 2
Newton, The Ultimate: One Weird Trick To Make You A Mathematical Superhero, part 1
The best collections library design, part 1