Multris: Functional Verification of Multiparty Message Passing in Separation Logic
PLDI'24 |
KATch: A Fast Symbolic Verifier for NetKAT
Mark Moeller + Jules Jacobs, Olivier Savary Belanger, David Darais, Cole Schlesinger, Steffen Smolka, Nate Foster, Alexandra Silva
PhD Thesis |
Guarantees by Construction
POPL'24 |
Deadlock-Free Separation Logic: Linearity Yields Progress for Dependent Higher-Order Message Passing
ICFP'23 |
Dependent Session Protocols in Separation Logic from First Principles
POPL'23 |
Higher-Order Leak and Deadlock Free Locks
POPL'23 |
Fast Coalgebraic Bisimilarity Minimization
ICFP'22 |
Multiparty GV: Functional Multiparty Session Types With Certified Deadlock Freedom
ECOOP'22 |
A Self-Dual Distillation of Session Types
POPL'22 |
Connectivity Graphs: A Method for Proving Deadlock Freedom Based on Separation Logic
Neuro-biology of Aging |
Long-term ovarian hormone deprivation alters functional connectivity, brain neurochemical profile and white matter integrity in the Tg2576 amyloid mouse model of Alzheimer's disease
Firat Kara, Michael E. Belloy, Rick Voncken, Zahra Sarwari, Yadav Garima, Cynthia Anckaerts, An Langbeen, Valerie Leysen, Disha Shah, Jules Jacobs, Julie Hamaide, Peter Bols, Johan Van Audekerke, Jasmijn Daans, Caroline Guglielmetti, Kejal Kantarci, Vincent Prevot, Steffen Roßner, Peter Ponsaerts, Annemie Van der Linden, Marleen Verhoye
POPL'21 |
Paradoxes of Probabilistic Programming
And How to Condition on Events of Measure Zero with Infinitesimal Probabilities
I sometimes write up my notes because it makes me think a bit more carefully and helps me remember. If you have any comments, questions, or ideas, don't hesitate to send me an email :)
2024 |
Helping Nate Foster teach Certified Software Systems (CS6115) at Cornell University. |
2023 |
Helping Robbert teach Coq & separation logic in Program Verification course at RU. |
2022 |
Assisting Robbert with the supervision of Menzo van Kessel's bachelor thesis project about implementing a type checker and interpreter for MPGV. |
2022 |
Helping students prepare their presentations for the MFOCS seminar course at RU. |
2022 |
Helping Freek teach Coq in the Type Theory course at RU. |
2022 |
Helping Robbert teach Coq & separation logic in Program Verification course at RU. |
2021 |
Helping Freek teach Coq in the Type Theory course at RU. |
2021 |
Helping students prepare their presentations for the MFOCS seminar course at RU. |
2020 |
Helping Freek teach Coq in the Type Theory course at RU. |
2020 |
Assisting Robbert with the master thesis project of Edoardo Putti about mechanizing incorrectness separation logic in Coq. |
2020 |
Assisting Robbert with the Software Verification course at TU Delft. |